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Let’s Talk Skin Types

In the past few years, you have probably seen tons of products and brands talking extensively about their different types of treatments without knowing what to pick. The truth is, skincare can become overwhelming and emotional but it doesn’t have to be.

We get it, as the quote says “Every mind is its own world” something similar happens with skin care and types. The first step on any skincare journey is understanding your skin’s unique characteristics to know what you need and how to maximize them to achieve a radiant complexion for you and your services.

Our team of experts has simplified the main factors on how to identify skin type, here are the details.

There are 5 different skin types: normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, and combination skin.

  • Normal skin often looks smooth with few or no imperfections, and pores are not so visible. It feels balanced neither too dry nor too oily.
  • Oily skin appears as shiny or greasy at touch and can feel thick, pimples or other blemishes are more noticeable and is normally prone to acne.
  • Dry skin is more likely to feel tight and appear scaly because it lacks moisture. Pores are less visible, but red patches, less elasticity, and lines are more evident. It can feel itchy or become irritated when exposed to factors like weather.
  • Combination skin has some areas dry while others, like the T-zone nose, forehead, and chin, are oily. Tendency to blackheads, open pores, and shiny skin are typical of having a combined skin type.
  • Sensitive skin easily reacts with certain products or environmental factors showing as redness, itching, and burning sensations.

Keep in mind that skin can change over time due to many reasons like age, weather, hormones, habits, and product ingredients, to name a few.

Now that you have an idea of what to look for, here are some tips on how to guide your customers to identify their skin type or apply it during the session.

General feeling

Throughout the day, take a few moments to look at your skin, notice the feeling and texture, and if any areas are of special interest or difference. It’s important to notice if there are any changes within time and the possible causes.


Take a deeper look at your pores in different areas of your face like the T-zone. Do they have any size? Or Nowhere to be found?

Feeling after cleansing

Once you have washed your face with a cleanser and a clean towel, wait about 30 minutes without applying any products and check how your skin feels and looks. Is it still feeling refreshed? Or dry? Do you see any irritation? Is there any oil right away?

Moisturizer or products frequency

Products can have an immediate feeling to the skin but it is important to detect how often they are needed to maintain a similar look & feel throughout the day. Is it only in some areas? Or specific moments? Do seasons affect?

Make sure you and your customers know their skin type before using any skincare that can give side effects and change how skin looks & feels. Whether it is oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin, embracing your skin type empowers us to nurture and care for a radiant complexion effectively.