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Tips to Exfoliate for Glowing, Radiant Skin

Achieving radiant skin is a process of little steps that together can make a glowy difference. A very important one of them is exfoliation and we have prepared a guide with the best tips to exfoliate.

Let’s start with the basics, exfoliating is a way to remove dead cells from the outer layer of the skin. It can be done with two methods, there is mechanical exfoliation that involves using a brush, sponge, scrub, or other tools, and chemical exfoliation involving acids such as alpha and beta hydroxyl and some retinoids.

Exfoliating helps brighten your skin and allows a deeper absorption of your skincare routine. Even though exfoliation has many benefits, if done wrong your skin can have the opposite results.

One last thing to consider is the frequency and timings of exfoliation, this will depend on your skin type and the products used. Heads up, don’t over-exfoliate since it may result in red and irritated skin. In case you have a wound, an infection, an acne breakout, or a sunburn, avoid exfoliating until your skin comes back to normal. Remember, always ask for advice from your skin specialist or contact Aspiring Wellness Ireland and let our experts guide you on a healthy journey.

Incorporate exfoliation into your skincare routine services today and watch your business glow as everyone’s skin becomes smoother, brighter, and more beautiful with each use. For more expert guidance on products that can help you and your clients, reach out to [email protected]. We would love to hear from you and discover how to partner to elevate your business.